Know Your Cash FlowStudents will develop a budget, by analyzing their spending habits, and income. How much are students earning, and spending daily, weekly, and monthly? Students will participate in a think-pair share, class discussion, and complete a worksheet.
When to USe A credit cardStudents will discuss different types of debt, benefits of a credit card, how credit cards should be used, borrowing money for college and vehicles, and how to pay off debt. Students will participate in a role discussion activity.
Understanding Credit ScoresStudents will be introduced to credit and credit scores. Lesson packet and information from videos on how to gain and maintain a good credit score, what credit affects, and how students can best utilize their credit cards. Students will participate in matching activities, worksheet, and a quiz.
IS a credit card worth while? - Activity and DebateEver received a credit card offer in the mail? You will soon. Credit companies make a lot of money off of card holders... they want you to use their cards. They will find you. Credit offers typically come with a lot of papers written in very small print. Often, people don’t bother reading the “fine print.” That often means that they end up getting stuck with fees and charges that will surprise them. So how do you find a good plan? After covering when to use a credit card, understanding credit scores, and finding the right card for you, have students take part in a inquiry debate on if a credit card is right for them?
What is the history of credit cards?In class, brainstorm the pros and cons of having a credit card. Here's a few: