The Industrial RevolutionStudents investigate the Industrial Revolution's influence on people in the United Kingdom geographically through the movement of goods, services, and location of industry. Students will analyze maps from 1760 to 1840 to see changes in the country, and its economy from a geographical perspective.
The Great Depression and The New DealWas the New Deal a good deal? This inquiry tasks students with answering that question after gathering knowledge and completing assignments on what economic elements were present and lead to the depression, and postive and negative effects of the New Deal. Students will participate and complete a graphic organizer, T-chart, and skit video.
The Great RecessionWho is to blame for the great recession? This C3 Inquiry aims to have students answer that question through participating in multiple formative activities of ascending difficulty preceding a summative assignment. Students will investigate the government's, consumer's, and financial institutions' role in the recession.
Economic HappinessThis inqury asks students to compare the United States with other countries' economic sytems, and their citizen's happiness with the current performance of the economy. Students will analyze what is different about these countries, advantages and disadvantages to new economic policies, and how they would evolve our economy.